What is Considered the Most Spoken Language in the World?

Here we have compiled the list of most spoken language in the world 2022 1. English English has become the universal language. It is extensively used in international business, tourism, technology, and much more. The pronunciation of English is easy, and the English alphabet is simple. 2. Mandarin Chinese Mandarin Chinese is again the second most commonly spoken language in the world. Mandarin has 118million native speakers. It is not just a language but a set of Chinese dialects. 3. Spanish This language is used in Asia, America, and Africa. Spanish is a very popular language, and hence it is being practiced and learned by many people. Spanish belongs to the family of Romance language family. 4. Hindi Hindi is an Indian language. In India, it is the official language. It is used widely in the country of India. Hindi got its name from the river Indus. 5. Bangla Bangla/ Bengali is rightly the official language of Bangladesh. It is equally used in the country of India, ...